A review by the_discworldian
The Writing Class by Jincy Willett


It's got to be hard to write a book around critique. You're practically begging for your own work to be dissected. I'm flashbacking to Fiction II.

Dear author:
What worked for me were the workshop bits. Dialogue felt real and I enjoyed the characters although some of them were a bit one-dimensional (still, I've been in classes with weirder groups, to the extent that no one would believe them on paper—and some of them had few discernible dimensions either). Although the culprit's identity was not a surprise, in some ways that was a good thing, because it felt consistent with what we already knew about the character.
What didn't work for me so well were the non-workshop bits. Descriptions of early crisis moments seemed particularly clumsy, and Amy's neuroses annoyed me and invited me not to care about her since she was so obviously doing these things to herself.
Oh, and I just love Chuck. Nothing too academic about it, just sayin'.
Overall, a solid draft, keep going!

Now I want to know what happened to my Fiction II class...