A review by jyeetreads
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson


This book is a great finish-in-one-sitting read filled with mystery and magic described in beautiful descriptions of library-core galore!

The plot though at times predictable, caught me by surprise at other times. It’s familiar in a comforting way but also unique in a satisfying way. You find yourself attached to characters you least suspect at the beginning.

Simply a great YA fantasy read that makes you forget about reality for a moment, and delve into a world of magical imagination.


Some of my post-read thoughts:

-Silas. What a beautifully done character. For me, his initial mystery, complexity, and development really shone till the last page (literally!).
I found him the most intriguing characters of all and he genuinely had the most stand-out development and complexity surprisingly for a “side” character.
His love for Nathaniel and eventually Elizabeth was so beautifully and heartbreaking. He was there for them every step of the way, despite telling them and himself that he wasn’t and couldn’t.
I grew so attached to him and his charm and mystery and Bruh I just LOVE him.
That ending was a beacon of light, and I’m just saying: I KNOW he’s back ;)

Honestly he stole the show for me this book. I genuinely have an affinity for side characters like him (s/o to lil Lele from Crescent City); there’s something about their heart-wrenching care and love and sacrifice that is so rawly human (ironically these characters happen to be magical beings of some sort haha). Maybe it’s the sense of reality that comes with their lack of plot armor as side characters that makes those emotional qualities of theirs so much more. It’s often main characters are protected by plot armor but for side characters, that’s usually not the case. So their sacrifices are real. It hits different. Ya feel?

-other than my Silas spiel, other characters were great too, I do wish there was more development within the other characters and their relationships however; Like Elizabeth and Nathan seemed rushed into their feelings which is understandable as romance is not the focus of this novel at all- but it could have been more thought out imo

-another thing, as others have noted, the plot does seem to rush in the end but it honestly wasn’t that bad, and the ending, though not amazing, is still satisfying

Read it! Short and sweet:)