A review by badbookstagrammer
We Don't Know What We're Doing by Thomas Morris


It took me almost two months to get through this book. Not because it was boring or poorly written. It was insightful and lovely in many ways but I found it a little hard to follow at times. I actually needed to put it down for couple of weeks and then pick it up again and there you have it - I read the last half of it in two days. I guess it was just bad timing when I started it. The individual stories were all unique in their own ways and I enjoyed getting into the characters lives for a split moment in time - a little like watching their Memory Tapes. I haven't really read any collections of separate stories but this was a great one to start with. The stories were full of brilliant little moments, the characters raw and insecure yet they each hold this weird, kind of breezy wisdom, the knowledge they've collected from their experiences or the lack-of. I don't know. This was in many ways a refreshing read.

Some stories I will definitely read again. Strange Traffic, Clap Hands and Big Pit were probably my favourites. Fugue stayed with me strangely long after reading it and I feel like Nos Da will too. Morris has an interesting way with words, his storytelling is somehow sleepy and slow but at the same time really powerful. I enjoyed it quite a bunch.