A review by zelma
Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel


This was a great fantasy novel for older juvenile/young adult readers. The research on bat culture was extensive but never got in the way of the story. The characters were fully realized and quite a bit of fun; Shade in particular was quite likable and seemed like a typical preteen. The story itself was a tad predictable at times, but I plan to read the rest of the trilogy at some point.

Course evaluation:

Personal Response: I usually enjoy fantasy and this story was no exception. Oppel did extensive research on bat culture yet doesn’t allow the information to detract from an exciting story. Shade is a fun, relatable character that I rooted for and wanted to succeed.

Evaluation: Oppel creates a vivid world that feels believable due to his detailed research on bat culture; though his characters are animals, they feel like familiar characters that will be relatable to readers. The main character Shade seems like a normal preteen boy and he deals with many of the same emotions felt by that age group. Readers will enjoy watching Shade sift through these universal feelings, face his fears, and finally find his place within his colony – universal issues that all adolescents face.