A review by berlinbibliophile
The Black Box by Michael Connelly


This was so paint-by-numbers that it was almost boring. It was like every edgy cop cliché condensed into one book, with the blandest lead imaginable.
At one point, he's investigated by Internal Affairs on a genuinely bullshit charge, and acts all martyrer-like about being investigated for political reasons from above - but in this book alone he does enough shady illegal stuff to justify him being thrown out of the police a dozen times over. At one point he literally kidnaps somebody, but that's okay I guess. He tells his daughter a hilarious story about his mentor framing people he personally didn't like for crimes they didn't commit - haha, how funny, a cop abusing his authority!
There's also a weird bit where Bosch cries reverse racism because apparently in this world of political correctness gone mad the murders of pretty blonde white women just aren't getting the attention they deserve. What bullshit.
The only thing that made me even want to finish the book was that the murder mystery was genuinely interesting and the solution surprising.