A review by malissac
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye

It's hard for me to find much to say about these books other than I love the concept and the stories. I love the growth of the characters, the history behind each one and how they got to be where they are today. Laura Kaye never fails to write a emotional, sexy, compassionate story. She writes from the heart of these characters, you can feel their truth coming through the pages and seeping into your own heart and mind. There's something about a Laura Kaye book that always makes you want to be a better person, that makes you want to go out and make a difference, to change the world for someone.

We met Billy in the first book from the series, Fighting for Everything and you just knew that his story was going to be an emotional power punch. Watching the two main characters, Billy and Shay fight through feelings of guilt side by side just makes your hear melt. Their guilt may come from different places yet in its essence it is the same. I loved when they finally opened up and gave themselves completely too each other, gave not only their hearts, their emotions, but also their fears is just everything in this book. I adored the connection between these two but I also loved them just as much separately.

Another of my favorite things about this series is the look into the lives of the members of Warrior Fight Club. I am so excited for each (please I need them all) of these characters books. I love the camaraderie, the care for one another, the ribbing. These members have gone through hell and back, heck some of them are still going through it, but together they find ways to live again, to enjoy life.

The only things that keep me from going a full 5 stars for this is that I felt like the end was a tad bit rushed. It's a hard call for me though because I think Laura Kaye could have written this the length of War and Peace and I may still have said it wasn't long enough, haha. The another thing is just a small one but it stuck out to me. At one point Billy talks about his work but he doesn't sound as though he fully enjoys it, he comments that he would like to do something that is more of a 'on the front line' type job and that comment never goes anywhere. I was kinda of looking forward to him having a life changing moment about his employment situation, especially when we got to the dramatic moments at the end, and as far as we know he's still doing a job that "pays the bills".

In the end I really loved this story. I loved the silliness, the emotion, the characters, the message. It's a classic Laura Kaye and I will be back for more and more so keep them coming Laura! <3

