A review by mooncrepes
[Dis]Connected: Poems & Stories of Connection and Otherwise by Michelle Halket


It's a rare occasion that I read an anthology of poetry and so thoroughly love the written compilation that I find it difficult to close the book for breaks. But this was, surprisingly, the case for [Dis]Connected.

A devourable read from popular poets, this collection is bursting with poems and lines that dare to explore what it means to connect, to unplug, to attempt to fill the empty space between humans. All the works shared themes of love and loss, hurt and healing, but overall, the collection is eclectic and visceral, leaving open the opportunity for it to resonate with just about anyone.

Although I'm not the biggest fan of anthologies in general, I would recommend this collection simply because the messages are so important and the works are deeply touching. Each piece is woven into the next, making this collection a cohesive compilation of everything we all need to hear/know....and more.