A review by melodys_library
The Son of Good Fortune by Lysley Tenorio


“I am not really here.”

Lysley Tenorio tells us the story of an undocumented teenager, Excel, living in California with his mother, Maxima. Born on an airplane traveling from the Philippines to the United States, Excel isn’t really “from here” or “from there.” He and his mother are TNT, Tago Ng Tago: a Tagalog phrase meaning “hiding and hiding.”

This novel is character-driven and captures the daily reality and anxiety of what I imagine it would feel like being TNT. Few job prospects, constantly living in fear of being found out, trying to find your identity while simultaneously trying to remain invisible.

The chapters alternate between Excel’s recent past with his girlfriend in a community called Hello City and the present in Colma with Maxima. In my opinion, Excel’s life is much more interesting when Maxima is around. I found Maxima to be a much more compelling character than Excel. Maxima is a proud former Manila B-list movie-star and martial arts pro that now works every odd job in America by day and cons rich men seeking Filipino women into wiring her money via her online dating profiles by night.

There’s nothing stronger than a Filipino mother’s love and duty to protect her child and the friends and family she loves, no matter what the cost. Can there be a part 2 written highlighting Maxima’s life, please?