A review by lynguy1
The Beautiful and the Wild by Peggy Townsend


The Beautiful and Wild by Peggy Townsend shows that despite the natural dangers in rural Alaska, sometimes it’s humans that are the most dangerous. Readers know immediately that Liv Russo is being held prisoner in a shipping container that is now a storage shed. She can see thick forest, mountains, and a dilapidated cabin from her prison. With secrets of her own, her focus is on protecting her young son Xander who is living in the cabin with its residents. She realizes she must do whatever it takes and lie so she can get out of her prison. While most of the book is set in rural Alaska, 50 miles from the nearest town of Cohut, part of the story is set in California.

Liv had an abusive childhood and craves attention. She likes bringing order to chaos and can be hard-headed. However, she is also insecure. Does she have what it takes to survive and protect Xander?

This book goes back and forth in time, which is not my favorite writing style. Additionally, there is some unneeded repetition. This is more of a survival story than a mystery or thriller. However, there are some action scenes towards the end of the novel. Difficult living conditions, fearful for her life and that of her son, and some unexpected resilience make for an interesting story, but it didn’t quite live up to my expectations from the synopsis. However, it is gripping and compelling at times and I wanted to know how it would end. Grief, fear, anger, trust, betrayal, secrets, lies, survival, and much more are themes that run throughout the story line.

Overall, I am glad I read this novel, which kept me turning the pages despite the format and the lack of action throughout most of the book.

Berkley Publishing Group and Peggy Townsend provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for November 07, 2023.
My 3.12 rounded to 3 stars review is coming soon.