A review by books_with_tutusandsons
Resin by Ane Riel


This is the book you wont really see being read often. And it should be. Because it is dark, it is gut-wrenching, it is brilliant. It has vibes of Where the Crawdads Sing meets Educated with a touch of a Gillian Flynn. ⠀

The writing is simple yet you will find yourself touched by every sentence. Guess that is the way of the Scandinavian authors, which I get to love and appreciate more each day (thank you Mr.Backman for that). It's a story told through multiple characters, a story about the lengths we would go to keep the ones we love close, and what a deep sadness can do to a person. Because, through all of it, there is just an amazing amount of sadness. But be careful, this is not an easy book. Not at all. You will get suspense, you will get weirdness, you will get family issues and borderline behaviour, and you will get some scenes that will shock you in a bad way, some that might even make you want to gag. But in all of that you will care so much for all of the characters, and even though the things they do are not justified by any means, you will understand their reasons and still feel for them. And I believe, that is a sign of an exceptional writer. That in all the disturbance, in all of the dark and twisted things, in all of her horrendousness, she manages to show us humanity.⠀

Needless to say I recommend this one to everyone. Ok, not everyone, maybe only the ones with a hard stomach. But I dont have one and I still enjoyed the hell out of it. ⠀