A review by bexrecca
Great by Sara Benincasa


Even if you can get past the protagonists terribly wink wink nudge nudge name (Naomi Rye for Nick Carraway - get it? Rye bread? Caraway seeds? Get it?), it's really difficult to care about her. Benincasa uses Naomi's off screen lesbian best friend as her moral compass - Skags would have said this appropriate thing, but she's not here. It's insulting to have this girl used as a way to make Naomi so alternative, aside from the cool 80s band t-shirts and Doc Martens (oooh, so different) - well, my best friend is a lesbian and has political views that I'll think about. Why not just have Naomi be a lesbian? The rest of this updated adapatation of the Great Gatsby plays out like the current rosé shortage in the Hamptons - tragic for those there, but no one else cares.