A review by upturnedroots
My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas


Those with unfinished business will meet on narrow paths.

"There is nothing here that isn't rightfully mine."
He was here. Was he also rightfully hers?
"You will have no disputes from me on that account," he said.

Wow. This book needs to be adapted into a miniseries. An absolutely remarkable blend of genres, and I am going to read the first book for sure to learn more about the characters' origin stories. I loved the wuxia elements and I felt like I was watching a classic English espionage film for this entire story with the great use of flashbacks. A great change of pace to read about Asian settings for a historical romance as well.

The idea of her in a violent fury did not bother him, but the possibility of losing her trust did.

I feel like I didn't get to learn Captain Leighton Atwood as well through his POV as I got to know Catherine, but this is a very unique story that will stay with me for a while. Tread carefully, there are some dark moments, and this is coming from someone fond of angst in historical romance - although I prefer it come from the purity of emotion, not grief.

All excellent remedies are bitter to swallow.

This is my first Sherry Thomas novel, but I've ordered more from her backlist, and I am excited to try her Lady Sherlock series as well. I've only heard great things about this author's writing!