A review by heabooknerd
Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh


This one is my 2nd favorite of the whole series and it’s the perfect mix of damaged and vulnerable characters, forbidden love, learning to trust, and finding the good in yourself.

I absolutely loved Judd Lauren; he was tough, brave, just damaged enough to keep him interesting but also incredibly sweet and gentle with Brenna. He knew when to push her and encourage her to be stronger but also when to hold her and comfort her. His past and upbringing were sad to read about and being a part of his journey to find the good in himself was beautiful to read. Judd only saw himself as a violent weapon that didn’t deserve happiness, but once he has Brenna in his life he knows he can’t give her up, but if he wants to keep her he’ll have to find a way to accept himself and his powers.

Brenna was also a great character who is struggling to find herself after her attack. Reading about her recovery was inspiring and at times heartbreaking. She was horribly hurt and violated and now that she’s back with her pack she just wants to be treated like the strong woman she used to be. I also loved how she never gave up on Judd and was willing to fight for him and accept him no matter what his past contained. As usual, Singh makes the reader feel a wide range of emotions and deftly guides the story through all of them.

We also got a more in-depth look at SnowDancer and it’s members. I look forward to reading about more of the wolves, especially Brenna’s brothers, Riley and Drew. Lucas is still my favorite Alpha but Hawke definitely piqued my interest. The structure and dynamics of the SnowDancers is similar but also very different from DarkRiver and I’m impressed at Singh’s ability to make each pack unique in its own ways while still maintaining the key tenants of the Changelings.

Content Warning: References to past torture, severe PTSD