A review by brenna_lindeen
A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen


Seeing as how Acts I and II were so slow, I wasn't expecting to be as moved by Act III as I was.

"Krogstad: When I lost you, it was as though all solid ground slid from under my feet. Look at me now; I'm a man shipwrecked on a broken vessel.
Mrs Linde: Rescue could be close.
Krogstad: It was close; but then you came along and got in the way."

"Helmer: You can abandon your most sacred duties, just like that?
Nora: What, then, do you count as my most sacred duties?
Helmer: And I really need to tell you that! Aren't they the duties to your husband and your children?
Nora: I have other equally sacred duties.
Helmer: You do not. What duties could they be?
Nora: The duties to myself.
Helmer: You are first and foremost a wife and a mother.
Nora: I don't believe that any more. I believe I am first and foremost a human being. I, just as much as you- or at least, that I must try to become one...
Helmer: ... Haven't you your religion?
Nora: Oh, Torvald, I'm not even sure I know what this religion is."

"Helmer: But nobody would sacrifice their honour for the one they love.
Nora: Hundreds of thousands of women have."

"Nora: I was, just as before, your little song-lark, your doll that you would carry in your arms twice as carefully hereafter, because it was so fragile and weak. Torvald- at that moment I realized that the man I'd lived with here for eight years was a stranger and that I'd borne him three children. Oh, I can't bear to think of it! I could rip myself to pieces."