A review by jaimearkin
The Eighth Guardian by Meredith McCardle


This book rests on my 'favorites of the year so far' list in case you missed our top ten tuesday! I'd been dying to get my hands on this, and then I won a copy from the author. When it arrived, I immediately put everything else to the side. This book has a little bit of everything for everyone! Twists and turns that will keep you guessing, mystery and intrigue to keep you turning pages and wonderful characters you'll find yourself cheering for! Plus a bit of romance. To say I'm excited for book 2 would be an understatement. I'm hoping we get to learn a bit more about the other members of the guard going forward, as we only learn a bit about them here, but honestly that would be my only complaint... I wanted more!

I have a recent fascination with time travel books - I've read some really amazing ones, and I really loved the idea that McCardle writes here. The bits and pieces of history that she weaves into the story really worked for me and I found it incredibly interesting. It's always intriguing to me to think about how we could change whole parts of our history and think about how that might affect the world we live in today. And that, at the bare bones, is what this first book delves in to. Amanda (Iris) is chosen to be part of the very secret Annum Guard. The Guard goes back in time to tweak history as necessary but there are rules and it's very hard for Iris to adhere to some of these rules.

Ultimately there are some things that Iris has to learn along the way about herself and her past and her family and that is expertly woven into the story.

If you're a fan of historical stories and time travel and just wonderful books in general, you need to get this one immediately! I loved it!