A review by acidmeringue
The Traitor's Blade, Volume 5 by Kevin Sands


First reread: Jan 2023
I was supposed to finish this tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait. Also, I never realized I didn't actually review this book the first time around.
It's definitely not my favorite of the series, but not my least favorite either. It's definitely better than Mark of the Plague, my current least favorite (I still love it, just slightly less than all the others). But I think the other three are better than this one.
Anyway, a lot happens in this book. It's the only one to actually end in a kind of cliffhanger-not quite an actual one, but all the others end with an air of finality that this one doesn't have. It leaves us with anticipation for the final book, which I'm sure was intended. I'm so scared and excited to read it.
I love how, in this book, a little bit of romance is finally introduced through Christopher and Sally. Going back through a second time, I paid attention to all the little things between them, and it's obvious Christopher adores her. He just doesn't know it yet. And the added humor of literally everyone around him suggesting they get married is just the icing on the cake. I'm excited to see where their story ends.
I love the character growth we see in Tom. Christopher notices it too, and points it out at the end. It's amazing to see how much he's grown. I also love how the friendship between the two boys has grown, and how close they've become. The last book definitely helped that along.
Spoiler I also loved how Tom even turned down being a knight for Christopher. I love my boys

This book takes the misdirection to another level. The twists have higher stakes and they're also more intense and on a bigger scale. I loved the tension.
I'm excited for Sally, both for
Spoiler her becoming the King's ward and getting to apprentice with Isaac and eventually take over the library

I loved the interactions between Christopher and Walsingham and how much he reminded Christopher of Benedict. And Lord Ashcombe is iconic, I love him.
The riddles were fun to solve, even if it ended up being
Spoiler one wild goose chase in the end
I'm both excited and scared to see what the next book has in store. Nine more days!