A review by fiekesfiction
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender


Wow look at that, I actually gave five stars to a story that has a love-triangle in it. Strange times indeed.

This is a beautiful story about identity, prejudice, gender, pride, love and friendship.

And Ah the dramaaaa!

The main character is extremely flawed. In the beginning I almost disliked him, because he decided to just make a fake account to basically bully a guy he SUSPECTS of doing something terrible to him. But this story is not really as much about how Felix deals with transphobic assholes and has to go through some bad things because of what people assume about him, than it is about the way he himself has prejudices about other people and his own insecurities.

The highschool parts of this feel super realistic, as do the characters. The love story is just amazing and cute and I love the many many conversations on different topics about lgbtq+ themes. I also really liked the talk about feminism and how it can be inexclusive.

AND THE HARRY POTTER REFERENCES! (I like Harry and Ginny together but I still think Drarry shippers make a great point!) And the Steve/ Bucky (marvel) shipping! And all the lovely lovely references.

So yes an important, touching story about (self)love and also art.

“What do you say when someone basically tells you that you’re not a human being? That you don’t decerve to exist?”


“I am not looking for their approval. It hurts that’s all I am saying. It hurts to not be included, to be rejected. Especially when it’s by people you thought would understand and except you.”

Yes I am crying. So fucking hard. I cried multiple times. (But who knows, maybe I’m just a crybaby.) I just felt like hugging these characters (from a safe distance) and I wanted to give them everything they just need all the love. OMG LEAH WAS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS! She looks like a sweet innocent nice girl but also has hacking skills?! (Shh I do love Cress from the lunar chronicles too.) Ezra was also awesome I agreed with basically everything he said.Ah my heart. It just gave me all the feels and the audiobook is great!!