A review by jenhurst
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein


I did not like this at all.
A few of my issues:
1.) every girl she talked to had an issue with the guys they were with watching porn. A lot of girls don’t care, because virtually every guy watches porn. There is an issue with men having porn addictions and expecting things because of porn, but it only mentions the women’s insecurities surrounding it. Men also have insecurities from porn about not lasting longer enough or having a big enough dick. I wish that they would’ve addressed this as well.
2.) I felt like it didn’t go enough into the empowerment of women knowing what they want and masturbation. It touched on the fact women who masterbate have better sex/more orgasms but I think “Pleasure Activism” did a much more empowering and better way of presenting it.
3.) the whole section of how girls always are giving around giving guys blow jobs reminded me of the scare campaign involving rainbow parties. Yes oral sex is very common and lots of women do that instead of having sex. It can start young. But the way it was presented as like all all the girls were doing it all the time annoyed me. The girls said they couldn’t hang out with guys alone because they all expected a blow job. Yes, there are guys who are like that. They are assholes. They’re not guys me or my girl friends want to be friends with. I have never had a close guy friend with that I wouldn’t hang out one on one with and I can tell you he didn’t expect a blow job when we did. I felt like the way the book portrayed men was like they were all the assholes. Not true, there’s plenty of good men who won’t ask for blow jobs when you hang out with them, spend the whole time pressuring you and won’t wait for you to get drunk to have sex. I’ve been the drunk girl and they’re either hand me off to one of the girls I came with or make sure I get home safely, etc. They are guys who will take advantage of girls, but there’s just as many who do look out for girls and want to make sure their okay. I wish the book would’ve shown men in a more positive light as well.