A review by dragontomes2000
Scorch Dragons by Amie Kaufman


Scorch Dragons continued the incredibly fun journey that started in Ice Wolves in flying colors. Scorch Dragons does take a while to get truly going story wise but when it does it takes off. I have truly grown to love this world and characters and am sad that I only have one book left in the series.

Scorch Dragons picks up pretty much immediately where Ice Wolves ended. We see our main characters trying to deal with the fallout of their actions and coping with their new environment. Now Like I said in the beginning of this review, Scorch Dragons takes awhile to get the story going, however that is because we the readers are now in the dragon's territory. It was really nice to see how the dragons operate compared to how the wolves do. Were also introduced to a couple new characters on the dragon side and like with the wolves, they are all wonderful. Amie Kaufman really took these characters and made them all have purpose. Not one character is under utilized. She also didn't forget about the characters that we got to know in Ice Wolves, they themselves were given ample page time. Now that was something I appreciated very much.

The plot of Scorch Dragons took on a more road trip style compared to its predecessor. This road trip plot line also used the Scavenger Hunt type riddle me this mechanic which I crave and live for. So we got to see more of Vallen then just Holbard. Their was a lot more history we got to learn and unearth. As we have only one book left, I am a little saddened we won't be able to visit or learn about some of the other Elementals, so I truly hope Amie will come back to this world in the future.

Now minus not being able to really get into the other Elementals of this world. I would say my only tiny gripe I have with this book is that the chapters ran quite long. Now I love me some long chapters, but for a middle grade they seemed to long. Like one chapter clocked into I believe 54 pages. Now for me now that is fine, but me when I was middle grade age with my raging ADHD, I would have not fared well. Again that is a minor quip, nothing major. I still had such a blast with this book.

Well it is time to see how it all comes to an end.