A review by tani
My Soul to Keep by Tananarive Due


I've decided that when I'm wavering on a rating for a book, I'm going to start rounding up, so 5 stars for this! Honestly, this is not at all what I was expecting. The cover had me convinced that this was going to be horror, and not very well-written horror at that. However, I had heard good things about Tananarive Due, so I picked it up. And it was great.

This is urban fantasy that reads like a thriller, which was not something I've experienced before. A lot of the tension in the book comes from the secrets that Dawit is keeping from Jessica, and the experience of wondering what will happen when everything comes out, as you know it inevitably will. I spent a lot of the book on the edge of my seat, rooting for Jessica to figure things out and come out safely on the other side.

I spent the other part of the book trying to figure out just what my opinion of Dawit was. He's a very charismatic character. Sometimes, I was convinced that he was a crazy man. Sometimes, I thought he was an OK dude, just shaped badly by tragedy and loss. Most of the time, I wavered between the two, and it was an experience that I really enjoyed. I usually am pretty quick to make up my mind about whether I like a character or I don't, but Dawit really had me wavering. Even having finished the book, I am still hesitant to really draw a conclusion. I think that's a sign of a great author, and it's certainly a sign of an author's work that I will enjoy.

Between those two things, I found myself really enjoying this story! I hope I can continue with the series sometime.