A review by booksnbookends
Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin by Qin Leng, Chieri Uegaki


I received a free ARC copy of this book by the book's publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

After listening to Ojiichan play the violin for her, Hana has her heart set on learning how to play the violin too. Just a few days after beginning to learn how to play the violin, Hana wants to enter the talent contest. She practices everywhere, in front of her brothers and her parents, even her dog, Jojo or an old picture of Ojiichan. Whilst performing alone, Hana can pretend she is performing in front of an appreciative audience. Hana's brothers' however, try to tell her she isn't capable for performing in a talent show when she has barely learnt to play. Instead of doing things as expected, Hana has to do things differently. But sometimes, that can be the best way after all...

This was an absolutely beautiful book and one that shows despite others' comments and beliefs, you are capable of doing anything which you set your heart upon doing. Hana overcomes adversity and stands up to her brothers, proving that with just a bit of courage and confidence, anything is possible. A story that shows you should never let anyone say that you "can't do" something. Go and prove them wrong.

The author has used some brilliant language and the illustrations are beautiful and sensitive. They really enhance the story and bring the characters to life. This would be brilliant to use with children who might be worried about doing something in front of others, whether it be a performance or presentation. I hope you enjoy reading this book and sharing it with others as much I as I have!