A review by jenjenbookfan
Elusive Obsession by Judy Kentrus


Going into this book, I knew it was the author's first book, so I wasn't sure what to expect. As it turned out, any expectations I had were surpassed. I connected with the characters immediately. I don't want to give away any details, but the way Scott and Julie met was uniquely entertaining and comical. The storyline surrounding these two single parents and their mayhem-magnet kids was engaging, while the suspense angle left me nervously hoping they could overcome all the obstacles that made their HEA seem impossible. The secondary characters, Russell and Lincoln, were integral to the success of the book. Hence, the reason I cheered when I reached the end of the book and discovered that more books are on the horizon!

I found one issue that I can critique. Sometimes the author changes POV suddenly in order to show another character's thoughts. While the thoughts are relevant, the shift is just so abrupt it interrupted my reading flow with a 'Whoa! What just happened?' moment. I was able to quickly surmise the new POV, and get back into the zone. Keep in mind, this was just my opinion, and might not register with anyone else. It didn't seem significant enough to drop a whole star in rating, thus the 5-star endorsement.

I am thrilled to add Judy Kentrus to my personal list of must-read authors!! If you like a dash of suspense with your steamy romance, give Judy Kentrus a shot! Keep up the good work, Judy!