A review by gonegrlsos
Lena and the Burning of Greenwood: A Tulsa Race Massacre Survival Story by Nikki Shannon Smith


This story is about Black peoples RESILIENCE when we are surrounded by anti-black racism we choose to love ourselves and each other. Love is the greatest activism anyone can practice. And we have pride in our bonds.

I just finished a different book that was written about this time. Murder on the Orient Express. When America was mentioned, many talked abt how "progressive" it was. The next morning I had co-workers saying the same thing about the novel. And I thought, it's almost as if white ppl choose to live on an entirely different planet.

But, I got Greenwood. Like the author said, that ability to focus on US and LOVE each other is all I need and it has nothing to do with buildings or geography. Still, Tulsa govt needs to GIVE BACK THE RESOURCES THEY STOLE.