A review by cutenanya
Shades of Earth by Beth Revis


Actual score is 4.5 stars.

I find the conclusion to the Across the Universe series adequate but not perfect.
There are quite a few problems in Shades of Earth and the actual quality of the story is closer to a 3.5 or 4 stars. However, I really like the world building and though a bit hurried, the ending is beautiful and fitting for the series.

I try to avoid spoiling the story but from this point on, the review may indirectly give out hints to the story. If you want to avoid being spoilt at all cost, stay away from the rest of my review.

What I find great about Shades of Earth:
1) The idea that if people had known before hand, there wouldn't be casualties, heck, may have fewer wars. Unfortunately, information is never enough and often, lack of information is the key element that drives wars.

2) The romance between Elder and Amy is SWEET. Although "romance" is a big problem in this book, I must say it is also the sweetest thing, depending on your focus of perspective. If you take consider how the relationship between Amy and Elder has evolved from Amy being mad at Elder at the end of AtU (Across the Universe) to the two having so much trust and love now, it's really amazing. While a lot of YA tend to go for love at first sight (or at least falling in love really quickly), I prefer working hard to building love and a relationship. In AtU, we see attraction, in AMS (A Million Suns), we see the two struggling with the chaos and building trust, right in this book, they have moved to a complete new phase.

3) The relationship between Amy and her parents and how she proves she has emerged from a dependent to a mature independent adult, who rebels and yet loves her parents deeply. I especially like the scene between her and her mother near the end.

Now, onto the problems (and here's where spoilers will be unavoidable)
1) The love triangle. I think this is completely irrelevant. They can still show the dilemma between the initial inhabitants and the new comers without attempting a love triangle (though that could hardly be a love triangle really as the bond between Amy and Elder at that point is already too strong, and the characterization of Chris is way too shallow. Had he been introduced in the second instead of the last book, maybe he could be considered a contestant). I prefer this though as I hate nothing more than a love trianlge or square or so forth. ONE BOY and ONE GIRL is the perfect romance.

2) The ending. Heck, Elder coming back is sweet and all but really? After Godspeed crashing into a space station, creating a nuclear explosion, and Elder is alive (not to mention with little food and water). Either he is super man or the author is too afraid to have a tragic end. At least gives Elder more ammunition to stay alive!

3) The slow pace in the beginning and the rushed end. Cut off all the unncessary part with Chris hanging around Amy, Elder's jealousy, Elder being egoistic and arguing with Amy's dad, and you get more room to build a more solid plot and not rush the end.

Overall, I still love this series and I am hoping to reading future works by Beth Revis.