A review by timitra
Given to the Sea by Mindy McGinnis


Rated 4.5 Stars

I was not sure what I was getting into when I started reading this book but I went along for the ride anyway and what a ride it was.

Given To The Sea is filled with betrayal, treachery and intrigue. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It is also a complex and intricately plotted tale. While I was reading it I was in awe of the author's thought process and imagination in crafting this story.

If you are looking for a unique read I cannot recommend this book enough. I'm not going to lie this book is weird but weird in a wonderfully beautiful way.

I know this book and its characters will stay with me for a very long time and with the way it ended I'm hoping there will be more stories set in this highly intriguing world.

ARC provided through Penguin Random House's First To Read Program