A review by jbarr5
Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti


Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti
Story starts out with Gemma and she's just relocated to a new town, taking over for a professor. She tends to her daughter when she can, leaving her in schools day care during her working hours.
She is disguised and has gone through many name changes in the years. You learn of why she has had to do this.
Story also follows Jethro who is a professor at the college also. He has a brother Fletcher who is back in US. They both come from England and have an accent.
His brother is killing others leaving a note for his brother. He soon learns his team is behind him and they also do back ground check on Gamma cuz things don't add up.
Love all the team spirit of one for all, learning how Fletcher is tracking her and how, what things team do to stay safe. Love that the team also includes the female spouses of the members, so intuitive.
Scary parts and loving parts and so much action and mystery. Story goes back in time so you learn what happened prior to the present day.
So realistic and I can see this happening, would love to see this as a movie.
Such a great read, can't wait to read more from this author. Have read some of her other works and need to fill in the books I’ve yet to read. This can also be read as a stand alone book.