A review by xcdo
Ghost Month by Ed Lin


Man, I really wanted to like this. The author does a great job of depicting Taiwan with its multifaceted history with its neighbors and its original inhabitants, and even more tantalizingly, the food. But to be frank, this book doesn’t get interesting until more than halfway through... and even then, the interesting bits are wrapped up too quickly.

The main character is like JGL in 500 Days of Summer - he’s mopey, he’s stuck, and he’s literally judging everyone (especially the women) based on their music tastes, specifically their love (or lack of) for Joy Division. And listen, I love Joy Division, but it made him so flat and pretentious that I didn’t really have an urge to read more (literally everyone else in his life, including Cookie Monster, was more interesting.)

Overall, so so. Not a bad read entirely, but a little slow and too quickly resolved.