A review by kikiisreading
Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

challenging medium-paced


Spoiler alert

"It is so bad, I want to give you a zero. But that's not possible, so I give you a one."

I felt so much during this book, hate, sickness, dizziness, despair...
It was so bad and I hated it so much, I wanted to burn it and hurt it as much as it hurt me.
Reading this felt impossible, somehow I managed but now I feel a headache coming.

There is so much sexism and bullshit in here, I can't fathom hos anyone could give this more than one star, even one star is way too much.

She basically repeats her "points" over and over again, I don't know how often I have read "[...] which makes him respect you" or how often I have read that women shouldn't nag or be too emotional because then he will withdraw and mute you in his head. And of course YOU are the problem then, not HIM, no YOU.

Also how can you state that a woman's world should NOT revolve around a man and then write a WHOLE ASS BOOK about what to do, how to behave, to keep a man? What made me angry the most was the crap, that if you make out and have gone far already, stopping mid-way is stupid and egoistic because you have already gone so far and it's "like taking candy away from a child" wtf.
In general, what is her problem?
How often it was mentioned that he could at some point see you as his mother, for asking where he has been (e.g.) often. In general complaining about something was described as being manipulated and ignoring someone/withdrawing was good, like wth how do you get to that conclusion? But in the end, if you talk bs and tell people how you should work on yourself and not use therapy and that psychologist are wrong when they say you should talk it out because the man will only see a lose of money, then it's not a wonder, that there was more bs to come.

This is a guide for not ever having a meaningful and healthy relationship. This book shows you how to not be human as a woman and manipulate your way into a "relationship".
Caring is bad, communication is bad and if he says something problematic or does something bad the only way to "communicate" is to laugh and make jokes about it. Because that will show that you think independently. (Her literal words.)
Also men (every single one apparently, of quality) will always look at women and think of them as "humping-toys", everything you will and should do, should result in him being horny for you in the end. Play dumb, because hey, he already thinks women are dumb, but not too dumb because respect and valueing you and your opinion has to be earned and is conditional. 
No really, she thinks, or "knows", that if you are "too dumb" he won't respect you or listen to you or your opinion and he also can't respect you if you earn no money. (Or if you are a "nice girl"). And that's totally fine, I mean come on, respecting someone because it's [/should be] basic human decency?? Naaah. 

I hate this so so much and please, everyone who has read this and thought of it as anything different than bad: learn. Value yourself more and don't ever fall for this crap.