A review by writerrhiannon
Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism by Seyward Darby


I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Author Seyward Darby gives readers a glimpse into how and why three women found their way into (and in some cases out of) the extreme far-right, white nationalist movement. I was drawn to this book because Darby chose three very unique subjects for her analysis and research. From an outsider's perspective, I can see how each of these women found their home, voice, and identity within the white nationalist movement. Sometimes nonfiction books can get bogged down in so many details, footnotes, and statistics that I find reading them can become "clunky" but that was not the case for with this book. Darby's writing integrated endless facts and references but I read it with the passion of a page-turning novel. If you want to know more about political and social groups that normalize extremism, but don't want to listen to people arguing on a talk show, read clickbait articles, or dive down any dark web rabbit holes, you should read Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism. This book is insightful, intriguing and I would recommend it across the board to every type of reader!

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