A review by deskynowsky
The Two of Us by Andy Jones


Well Well... one of the reasons I picked out this book out of other books at the bookstore coz I feel like the need of change to my reading genre.. There is nothing wrong to like fantasy or high fantasy fiction or even YA books in general, it's just coz I have almost non-existence romantic life.. and my age is not actually at around YA ages anymore, so I should read more Adult Contemporary Romance books (my friend's words, not mine), so I decided to buy this one (and my friend encouraged it).

Ok, it's not bad, it's ok, coz this book is basically a life drama kind of story. Which surprisingly I enjoyed. Definitely not my type of book and I don't mind reading it once or twice in a while, kinda give a refreshing vibe to my reading habit. I quite learned a lot from it, in terms of relationship-wise and family issues.. There's just a more sense of reality in it, like it deals with a new couple forming a life together and those stuffs which I often hear happened among my friends. So there is this familiarity to the story.

Why 3 stars tho, well first of all, 3 stars doesn't mean that the book is bad. It just means that I just enjoyed it. Who knows in the future, I will read more books with this genre. I def should tho..

And a nice surprise is that the book is set at around Christmas time, so this book is my Christmas read in the year 2015.