A review by lavendermarch
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


I've seen this book at the library for a while, but I only picked it up recently, when looking through a list of good YA faerie books. I'm glad I finally picked it up.

Glimmerglass is a fast paced, pretty easy read. It has an interesting world that I can't wait to learn more about, because Avalon and the rest of Faerie sound really exciting! I also liked how the fae and humans lived together in the city of Avalon, and how the humans knew about the fae, rather than secrecy.

The faeries are delightfully double-crossing and devious, with twisted intentions and natures. This makes for a very exciting, intriguing read. I appreciated the balance of this with Dana's teenage nature. She was over-dramatic at times (like all teenagers) though not too much. At any rate, there was a good balance, and I liked Dana's voice. It was very authentically that of a teenager, and someone who had been plunged into the deep end of a nasty political and magical situation.

I really liked Finn and Keane. They seemed like solid, generally good people, as far as faeries go. I wouldn't mind Dana and Keane getting together, but frankly, I think she needs to get the rest of her life sorted out first, because death threats are no laughing matter.

Ethan, I was not a fan of. He betrayed her, and seems a bit too experienced for her, not to mention his allegiances. I hope they don't get together, but we'll see.

Dana's parents are awful, by the way. Her mom's an alcoholic and her dad's willing to use her for political gain, because of course parents should do that to their children! Ugh.

On the magic: very cool. I hope we actually see more of it in book two. It was here and used in this book, but I'd to learn more about it and see what Dana can do.

4 stars. I recommend reading this book if you're looking for a good faerie novel.