A review by pagesofmilkandhoney
Nothing to Lose by Norah McClintock


I'm desperate to figure out what Canadian city Norah McClintock has based these novels in. It's clearly Canadian because A) Norah McClintock is Canadian, B) they mention how Robyn's mother often represents the Crown, C) Robyn has a social insurance number, and D) at some point Nick goes to Alberta and Alberta is just not a place you namedrop by accident. Hence, Canada. At first I just assumed it was Toronto, because duh, but also because she mentions Morgan's cottage a lot and cottages are a very Ontario thing. But then this story revolves around human trafficking and people arriving in shipping containers, so I thought maybe Vancouver?? Which would explain Nick going to Alberta, EXCEPT Robyn references someone "going out west" and well, nothing is west of Vancouver. So back east we go, except I don't think Toronto has a shipping port?? It's on a lake, but defs wouldn't be a major shipping port. SO the only thing left is Montreal, which is at least on the St. Lawrence River, except I don't think it's a major shipping port either. And the people being smuggled into the country defs come from China, and that's a long way round considering China is the other direction. And if it WAS Montreal, why are there no references to French, like at all? So I'm back to Vancouver, except it definitely has more of a Toronto vibe, and I'm still very confused and desperate to know. Chances are she chose a mixture of all of these places in order to not have a specific location (but we know it definitely ain't Calgary).

Anyway, this isn't my favourite of the series but I still enjoyed it somewhat.