A review by elsewhere5
The Panic Years: Dates, Doubts, and the Mother of All Decisions by Nell Frizzell


I’m reading a lot about motherhood at the moment. This book wasn’t quite what I thought it would be. I was hoping for a book reflecting on the choice of becoming a mother and battling with that decision. Pretty quickly in the book the author reveals that she is sure she wants a baby. The main conflict of the book is the struggle of finding the circumstances in which to do so. Overall, I enjoyed the author and the reading experience but this one was a little overshadowed by Matrescence which I also read recently.

One thing I took specifically from this book was reflecting on my use of the pill. I have been on the pill for pretty much all of my 20s and am very used to my three weeks on, one week off rhythm. I was therefore blown away by the discovery in this book that this rhythm has no medical basis and was instead introduced to hopefully win the backing of the Catholic Church by being more ‘natural’. https://www.brmc.com.au/portfolio-posts/was-the-pills-21-7-regime-really-invented-to-please-the-pope/ I see now that the NHS is even doing away with this advice https://harrowhealthcare.co.uk/nhs-overturn-pope-rule-suggest-taking-contraceptive-pill-every-day/. This book for me was therefore an important reminder to check in on the impact of these hormones I’ve been ingesting for years, who knows who I even am without them?