A review by rachcannoli
僕のヒーローアカデミア 20 [Boku No Hero Academia 20] by Kōhei Horikoshi


Finished UA festival and ending in the middle of the Endeavor v Nomu battle.

I already gushed about it last volume, but the band performance is one of my ALL TIME favorite moments of this series. It's even cuter in the anime because we get to hear the song (which is a straight banger) and get to linger on the scene more for the full number. One thing in the manga that made me giggle though is when Jiro is like 'yeah!' before the key change in the anime, it cuts to Bakugo trying to hide a smile basically, but looking annoyed as usual (one of the comments said Bakugo spends half his attention drumming and half trying to hide his smile because he doesn't want to let others know how much he adores this, what a fool lol i love him). But in the manga when it cuts to him he mutters 'hypocrite' because Jiro told him not to improvise on the day or it'd confuse the others, but it's exactly what she does. So cute. And just the cut to Eri smiling gleefully and Mirio crying happy tears, I weep every time, ugh my heart. Also that Deku MADE the damn candy apple for her because they didn't have any at the festival, I mean my heart. I also adore that Eri moves in to UA so Aizawa can basically adopt her. Obviously it's so they can keep an eye on her quirk and Aizawa's quirk is really the only solution, but also he's a full on girl dad and it pleases me to no end. I hope we see so much more. Also that Mirio is her basically her fulltime babysitter/nanny until he gets his quirk back, what a cutie.

Then we get the introduction of Hawks, mmm. This short king, I stg, Horikoshi knows EXACTLY what he's doing with the creation of this boy. The back of this book?!?! I mean...is it legal for a fictional, anime character to be this hot??! Also his quirk is so stinking cool (he can control each one of his feathers individually and if they get destroyed they'll grow back for more, like...so cool). I also adore that he took Tokoyami under his wing (get it lol) for work studies. Later he says 'us birdies got to stick together' which is quite possibly the cutest fucking thing ever. He's such a little shit, but he's honestly not really wrong. I respect his attitude, though it may be a little short-sided, but I love how much he ribs Endeavor. We find out more about this attack later in the series. He's an interesting guy and I'm still trying to wrap my head around Hawks, we still don't fully understand him, but I adore him, he's hot and complex, enough said.

This also begins Endeavor's arc and I cannot help how fascinating I find his character. I think his journey as the new #1 hero is so interesting because he's SUCH a different hero to All Might. I like to hope he deeply regrets his abusive actions to his family, also cannot blame them at all for how much they hate him, but we'll have to see. I don't think people are ever as black and white as good and bad, so I'm interested to see how his character develops. Even if he stays morally fucked, I'm still on board. I also love that during his battle everyone at UA (especially sweet Aizawa, such a good papa) immediately want to check on Todoroki. Shoto definitely has to deal with the worst when it comes to his dad, but I have hope they can develop something slightly healthy lol, but I guess we'll see.