A review by ltsakmann
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure


I really enjoyed this book. I am so glad that it was recommended to me. The appeal of this book is that it is entirely accessible even to those who are not " Little House " fans. I read the LHOP series when I was a young girl but by no means was I as enthusiastic about them as the author. I can relate to the level of obsessiveness and enthusiasm that the author feels for the books. I think most people have something in life be it books or tv shows that they obsess over. ( Side note: "Moonlight" will come back it will and you will never convince me of anything differently!) It is the dedication and love of LHOP that really comes through while reading " The Wilder Life". The story about the author trying to replicate her Laura world and accidentally camping with a bunch of end of the world believers was my favorite. Give this book a shot!