A review by rachelb36
The Oath by Frank E. Peretti


I liked this one. I appreciated that the main character had flaws (one major flaw in particular that most Christian authors stay away from) and that they weren't justified in the end, or brushed aside.

As I read the book, I kept thinking of possible endings that would have been cop-outs, suspecting Peretti would fall back on one, and was very pleased that he didn't.

My complaint would be that the book was drawn out and would have benefited from just a tad more editing. As much as I wanted to find out how it ended, I mostly just wanted the thing to end already! The chapters themselves were also long - averaging around 30 pages. This made it difficult to read for me, since I have so many interruptions in my day and need to take frequent breaks to deal with them. I hate having to stop a book in the middle of a chapter!

All in all, it was a good read, and an example of what happens when we forsake God's law and try to create our own, to be our own master. I was reminded of verses in the book of Judges (21:25 and 17:6) which state, "Everyone did whatever he considered right."