A review by readingromancehea
He Found Me by J.E. Mullett


Katie is going through her mail. In an envelope is a wedding invitation... to her own wedding. Attached is a one way ticket. Years earlier she told her first love that she'd marry him when they were 30 if neither of them were already married. Would you take the ticket and go?

I love Leo's nickname for Katie.
Leo calls Katie- la mia ragazza 

The fact that Leo calls every night is the sweetest thing. The reason why Katie had to stop talking to Leo is heartbreaking. When I heard the story from Leo about how he went to find her I wanted to cry. I like that Katie has so much sass. She needs to knock Leo down a peg. I'm shocked at what Kaite does to get Leo's attention. I absolutely love how Katie knows how to speak Italian fluently and hides it from Leo. 

This was an okay story. It's set up as a standalone since each book is a different couple but it ends like it's a cliffhanger.