A review by michalice
Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike


I have read and loved Aprilynne's Wings series, so when I first heard about Earthbound I knew I HAD to read it, there was no question about it.  However some authors don't quite manage to make the transition to another series, with the new books not being liked as much as the previous work, with Aprilynne however, Earthbound is even more gripping than her Wings series, and while it took me a while to make my way to it, once I began I did not want to stop.

Earthbound is full of mystery, suspense, romance, and action.  Just when you think it can't get better or nothing else can surprise you, BAM, something happens that has you saying OMFG!!!!  I read some of this book on my dinner break in work and I'm sure I looked like a fool staring dumbfoundedley at the pages while inside my head I was thinking, what the hell just happened, I can't believe that happened, each chapter I finished had me in so much suspense that I had to find out what happened next, I didn't even want to go back to work I wanted to sit and read.

The world Aprilynne has created is rich in everything you need to make a perfect book.  The area it is set in is ideal for Tavia, the protagonist, full of inspiration for her art, and easy for her to relax, blend in and make new friends.  The friendship Tavia has with Benson is the perfect blend of personalities, they just get each other, no questions asked.
Benson just stares at me. "Could you do anything... I don't know, supernatural when you were little?"
"yeah, I made the glass on a snake's cage disappear right before my acceptance letter from Hogwarts arrived."

 The characters are instantaneously likeable and you are immediately drawn into their world, their feelings, and want the best for them all.  The story itself doesn't pull you in, it drags you in, heart and soul and while it lets you go whenever you choose, you really don't want to part with it.  Before I had even reached halfway through the book I was already wanting the second book in this new series, when I had finished it was more of a demand than a want.

There is so much I want to say about Earthbound, how much I loved the characters, the world, the ideas behind it, even down to giving exacts of what happens, but I just can't bring myself to spoil it for you. I want every reader to be shocked and surprised just like I was. I want you to feel every emotion that I experienced while reading this book, and when you eventually reach the very last word, to be able to put down the book and say "Wow"