A review by napqueeniereads
Another Pan by Dina Nayeri, Daniel Nayeri


I was really looking forward to reading this book since I love all things Peter Pan. I have to say I was a little disappointed. I was hoping Another Pan would take more from J.M. Barrie's world. I really hated Peter in this story even though at their core both Peters are essentially the same. Another Pan just gives his flaws more light and makes them more obvious. I thought Tina's character was very well written in relation to Tinkerbell. Her jealousy over Wendy and Peter's relationship was obvious. Although Wendy was a huge part of the story I didn't really enjoy her. I thought her rather vapid and self centered and not much different from Peter. I wanted to hit John everytime he opened his idiot mouth. Nobody talks like that even in movies. His dialogue went way overboard. Mr. Darling's character was the same as in Barrie's Pan. He's both quirky and awkward around others but he loves his children unconditionally. For some reason I keep thinking that Mrs. Darling ran way with Peter years ago though it never says that. I really wish there were more of a connection between Another Pan and Another Faust. This almost doesn't seem like it should be in the same series. Vileroy is almost a completely different character but maybe that's the point. I figured her encompassing Captain Hook was an obvious choice. Simon though was lost on me. I wasn't really sure what the "happy thoughts" segments were all about either, since most weren't very happy. Aside from the characters I enjoyed the adventure of this story. Another Pan wasn't what I'd hoped but I did find it enjoyable.