A review by gaybf
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara


fav quotes 
  • Once I destroyed a man's idea of himself to have him. 
  • hands on ankles feet on wrists 
    naked in thought
    like a whip made from sheerest stocking 
  • Oh to be an angel (if there were any!), and go
    straight up into the sky and look around and then 
                                                                                come down 
    not to be covered with steel and aluminum 
    glaringly ugly in the pure distances and clattering and 
                                                                             buckling, wheezing 

    but to be part of the treetops and the blueness, invisible,
    the iridescent darkness beyond, 
                                                                  silent, listening to 
                            the air becoming no air becoming air again 
  • the pin-point light upon a fear of lust 
    • you were always there and you know all about these 
      as indifferent as an encyclopedia with your 
                                                                              calm brown eyes 
    • Is this love, now that the first love 
      has finally died, where there were no impossibilities? 
    • ...as I historically 
      belong to the enormous bliss of American death 
    • and that's the meaning of fertility 
      hard and moist and moaning 
    • saling through space: didn't I have you once for my
                       West side? 
             for a couple of hours, but I am not that person 
    • it's true that fresh air is good for the body
                                                               but what about the soul
      that grows in darkness, embossed by silvery images
    • where are you Fanny Elssler come back! 
    • ...all
      the postcards and the smiles and the kisses and the grunts 
      that was love but I kept on traveling 
    •        listening while you talk and talking while you read
      I read what you read 
                                       you do not read what I read 
      which is right, I am the one with the curiosity 
                                        you read for some mysterious reason
                                          I read simply because I am a writer