A review by dragontomes2000
The Price of Spring by Daniel Abraham


Such a satisfying conclusion to a outstandingly unique series. Seriously this series brought a whole new perspective that was so fresh and right and I appreciate that. This series was so heavily character focused and let me tell you that it worked for this. The Price of Spring starts with another mind blowing time jump which just goes to show like I said that each story so far has been self contained but takes knowledge from past events to make another story. I say that because you can read this and understand because your given the details and context throughout. Now it may be confusing for some but I can see how it works. I also just loved all the characters, yes all of them, why because they had purpose and meaning. None of them were really there just to be there. The characters had motivations and each one was pivotal to the story arc. I think even more so in this finale then the other entries. I do believe the books got progressively better and my disconnect I had started to wane a little bit. I am truly eager to read the rest of his works including The Expanse and The Dagger and The Coin Series. But for now just know that this series needs more love because it is one of a kind from beginning to end.

The Shadow in Summer-3/5

The Betrayl in Winter-4/5

An Autumn War-4/5

The Price of Spring-4/5

The Long Price Quartet-15/20