A review by andintothetrees
Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein


I have to thank my friend Katie for lending me this book as she (correctly) thought it was relevant to my interests – feminism, parenting, rants – it’s all good. Cinderella Ate My Daughter sets out to analyse the implications of the “girlie girl” culture that surrounds modern female children, and in doing so takes a long look at the sexualisation and the commodification of childhood. (Word is telling me sexualisation and commodification are not words, but I’m sure they are. If not, then blame my addled-due-to-sleep-deprivation mama brain.) Although I am the parent of a son rather than a daughter, I found that many of the topics put forth in the book were still pertinent to me, and even non-parents would, I believe, find it interesting from an theoretical point of view (and they wouldn’t have to then worry about having to find away to avoid the pitfalls of this culture described in the book either. Win win!)

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/cinderella-ate-my-daughter-by-peggy-orenstein/]