A review by jdintr
We Need New Stories: Challenging the Toxic Myths Behind Our Age of Discontent by Nesrine Malik


This is a book of real insight and some surprises. The "we" of includes Americans and the author, a Sudanese-born British citizen, residing in London--a columnist for The Guardian.

In just under 200 pages, Malik casts a dispassionate look at the six titular myths that divide Americans in precarious times. There is little 'new' about many of the myths: I don't know anyone who believes in that the media are reliable, and only wingnuts cling to the idea of a political correctness "crisis" or American Exceptionalism.

But Malik's perspective is welcome. Americans are stuck in ruts on the right and left of the track, and I think there is room in some of these issues for an outside perspective like hers, particularly on issues of race.