A review by mellyfish
Bar Maid by Daniel Roberts


I found the author’s voice to be quite engaging, I liked reading what he had to say about New York, Philadelphia and New Hope. That said I couldn’t find much to like about Charlie Green, the main character. I can’t figure out if he was intentionally shooting for a Holden Caulfield vibe or if it was purely that he just coincidentally wrote an ignorant, largely unsympathetic character. I know nothing about this author, so it would be unfair to call them a misogynist, but it wouldn’t be far from the mark. Charlie drinks till he gets drunk pretty much every day even though he’s not of a legal age to do so, but also has a lot of judgy bullshit to say about his mother doing the same thing. Also when he makes horrible decisions, he miraculously is supported by everyone, regardless of his actions or motives. He betrays every single woman in this book, and yet somewhere out there, I guarantee someone is going to read this and call it romance. Boooo.

So if you click on the author to find out more about the person who wrote this, you’ll find a weird mishmash of self help and children’s books and no information. Is this a ghost writer profile? A social experiment? Bizarre.