A review by bookishbritney
Bass Ackwards and Belly Up by Sarah Fain, Elizabeth Craft


I really enjoyed this book. It reminded me of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants which was a book that my friends and I loved throughout high school.

It's about four best friends who have just graduated from high school and have their futures planned out. Except Harper didn't get accepted into NYU and that was the only school she applied to. After dealing with the initial shock and self-pity, she decides she is going to move into her parents' basement and start writing the next Great American Novel. And decides to tell her best friends and family a little white lie- that it is part of her Dream, and not the truth about NYU. To her dismay, two of her best friends Sophie and Kate decide to skip the college path and figure out their Dreams as well. Sophie moves to Los Angeles to become an actress and Kate goes off to backpack throughout Europe to discover just what her Dream is. That leaves Becca to follow her Dreams of skiing with her university team and falling in love.

Each girls' story is entertaining and fun to read which is rare for me because I usually can't stand at least one or two characters in books with multiple points of view. Each girl had their own issues and were trying to discover themselves. They had to adjust to major and minor changes and from being away from the people who were always there for them.

Everyone can relate to growing up and that transitional period where you aren't sure what you want to do or be or what to expect from your future. It's a bittersweet and scary feeling and Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain do a great job capturing those moments and how the girls all deal with the changes in their lives.

There is romance and travel and tough life decisions. I can't wait to read the sequel, Footfree and Fancyloose.