A review by sloth34jc
How to Play Dead by Jacqueline Ward


A book focusing on domestic violence will never be an easy read, but this is a relevant and hard hitting story. Set in a women’s shelter and following the lady who runs it, this thriller takes you through the many ways in which our current system is doing abused women a disservice. It really made me realise how little women can do, when the law makes sure that the man has to have done something ‘really bad’ in order for them to be stopped. The women in this story shine, their strength is inspiring and although they don’t always get out of their situations, you understand their actions throughout.
Although the storyline is a little predictable, and starts off slow, I did stay up into the night to finish it, just to see how all of the storylines came together.
If this book helps highlight to even one woman that her partner’s behaviour is not ok, then it’s done it’s job.
Thanks so much to the author, netgalley and the publishers for giving me an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.