A review by blogginboutbooks
Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm


I enjoy Holm's books and this one is no exception. It's very atmospheric, bringing Key West alive in all its quirkiness (I had no idea!). The historic background also comes to life in a way that feels natural. Turtle and the other characters are warm, colorful, and interesting. Our heroine is the perfect blend of sweet and sassy. You can't not like her. She and her buddies speak and act like real kids, which is always a bonus since that's not always the case, even in middle grade novels. Plot-wise, TURTLE IN PARADISE is more episodic than focused, but that's okay—it was fun reading about all of Turtle's adventures. They kept me entertained. All in all, this is a quick, engrossing read that has heart as well as humor, adventure, historical details, etc. It's a fun, engaging book that kids and adults alike will enjoy.