A review by eesh25
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner


4.5 Stars

It feels like this series has been going on for several years. It's almost hard to believe that we're approaching the finish line. Though this installment definitely lets you know that the end is nigh.

From the start of the series, there have been two main storylines. The more dominant is the one involving Ethan and the Dominion Sect, and the slightly less pressing, emphasis on slightly, is the one with the other New York god pack. In this book, the latter conflict comes to a head and is put to rest in a spectacular fashion.

It seems that Turner decided she was done takes things slowly. So everything was non-stop from the beginning. Patrick's case put him in a complicated position because it involved Estelle's pack. And being the alpha of a rival pack caused a conflict of interest. Only, his alpha status isn't known at his job, so he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not to mention, there was an assassination attempt on him or Jono like every other chapter. Add in a bunch of gods being a pain in the ass and...

This was one of those books that's hard to put down. Like, I knew that neither Patrick nor Jono would die, but having read other Hailey Turner novels, I know she's fully capable of inflicting damage without killing.

The pace of the novel is fast, the stakes are very high, and... I'm not sure what new stuff there is to say here. I've been a fan of this series since book 1, and I've liked every installment. This one is more climactic and urgent than most of the others have been. But otherwise, there's not much that makes it different from them. Though I will say that I'm pleased with how the author has set the stage for the last book. I'm also glad she decided to conclude one of the main plotlines in this book. And I really like the way she did it.

I'm both excited and worried about the next book. I've comes to care so much about these characters, and again, I just want Patrick to be well-rested and well-fed. Is that really such a big ask? I already know that he's going to need years of therapy after this shit is over, possibly a lifetime of it.

But Patrick's sanity aside, I'm also really looking forward to what the author will write after the series ends, even though that's still months off. For now, I can only await the end and hope that it's great.

Thank you to the author for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.