A review by booksbystarlightandshadows
The Queen & The King by Jeanette Rose, Alexis Rune



I loved the whole lost memories plotline and watching Persephone and Hades falling in love again.  Hades previously wrestled with Persephone being what made him lose control and it was interesting to see him having to rein that back in and revert back to the planner he was before.  This was definitely my favourite part as although I enjoyed the introduction of the other gods, the relationship between Persephone and Hades is what kept me coming back to the series.

There were a few things I found a little vague such as Demeter's relationship with Kronos but I quite liked her as the villain overall.  The whole Void part lost me a little too as did the treaty element with Nyx and Erebus; I struggled to visualise what was happening in amongst the big battle.  I also felt like I was missing some previous exposition but it has been a long time since I read book one so its possibly mentioned there. Kronos was fine but felt a little underused which was a shame as I loved his jealousy towards Persephone taking Hades attention; I didn't understand adding Adonis as a character when Kronos was right there though. I was underwhelmed with his ending too however the choice to have none of his children witness it was not one I was expecting.  
The Titan plotline didn't engage me as much as the rest however had this happened further down the line after meeting more of the characters I would have gotten more from it. 

Overall, the series kept me engaged and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes in the follow up.

My interpretation of the star system;
3 stars - I enjoyed it; would read the author again
4 stars - I really liked it; I am invested and definitely want more from this author/series
5 stars - I loved it; I engaged with this book completely until I finished it and it is one I will re-read