A review by smiley_kylie
The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka


Oh the angst! Once best friends and writing partners, Katrina and Nathan are now near strangers. They begrudgingly reunite to co-author one last book together after abruptly breaking their partnership on bad terms four years prior.  Living in the same house for weeks while they complete their contract, they are forced to confront their past feelings and determine what was real and what was just fiction.

The story is told in dual POV and goes back and forth in the then vs. now timeline, slowly revealing to the reader what actually happened all those years ago. I enjoyed the glimpse into the writing and publishing proces and think Katrina and Nathan are both likable, albeit flawed, characters. 

There are a few personal preference things I didn't LOVE, though they were *mostly* important to the story, so I can understand their inclusion. Overall, I enjoyed reading how their story unfolded!

Content: divorce, pining while in another relationship, occasional language, a mostly non-descriptive open door scene

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